Hard hat, level, gloves, and blueprints on a wooden background

The Best Time of the Year to Start a Home Remodeling Project

Bathroom with step-in shower, remodeled by American Construction Services, Corp.

Are you thinking of renovating your home, but not sure when to start? You might be wondering if there is a best time of the year to tackle a home improvement project. The answer is: it depends. Different types of projects have different pros and cons depending on the season and the weather conditions. In this blog post, we will help you decide when is the best time for your specific project, based on our years of experience as a licensed, bonded, and insured general contractor and remodeler in Southwest Washington.


Winter might seem like a bad time to start a home remodeling project, especially if it involves outdoor work. However, there are some advantages to choosing winter as your remodeling season. For one thing, you can avoid the busy spring and summer months, when contractors are in high demand and prices are higher. You might also get your project done faster, as contractors have more availability and flexibility in their schedules. Another benefit of winter remodeling is that you can prepare your home for the cold weather, by improving its insulation, ventilation, and heating.

Of course, winter also has its drawbacks. The cold weather can make some outdoor projects impossible or impractical, such as roofing, siding, or landscaping. You might also have to deal with snow, ice, and rain, which can cause delays and damage to your materials and equipment. Additionally, winter remodeling can be less comfortable and convenient for you and your family, as you might have to deal with noise, dust, and limited access to some parts of your home.


Spring is a popular time for home remodeling, as many homeowners want to refresh their homes after the long winter. Spring is also a good time for outdoor projects, such as decks, patios, fences, and windows. The mild weather and longer days make it easier and more enjoyable to work outside. You can also take advantage of the spring sales and discounts on materials and appliances, as well as the tax refunds that might give you some extra cash for your project.

However, spring is not without its challenges. Spring is also the peak season for contractors, which means you might have to wait longer and pay more for services. You might also have to compete with other homeowners for permits, inspections, and deliveries. Moreover, spring can be unpredictable in terms of weather, especially in Southwest Washington, where rain and wind are common. This can affect the quality and timeline of your project, as well as your budget.


Summer is another popular time for home remodeling, especially for indoor projects, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Summer is a great time to upgrade your home’s comfort and functionality, as well as its energy efficiency. You can install new appliances, fixtures, and systems that will make your home cooler, brighter, and more enjoyable. You can also take advantage of the summer vacation to travel or stay with relatives or friends, while your home is undergoing renovation.

However, summer also has its disadvantages. Summer is the busiest and most expensive time for contractors, as well as for materials and equipment. You might have to book your contractor months in advance, and pay a premium for their services. You might also face delays and shortages due to the high demand and the limited supply. Furthermore, summer can be too hot for some projects, such as roofing, siding, or insulation. High temperatures can make it uncomfortable and unsafe for you and the workers to be inside your home, as well as affect the quality and durability of the materials and equipment.


Fall is often considered the best time of the year to start a home remodeling project, as it offers a balance of benefits and drawbacks. Fall is a good time for both indoor and outdoor projects, as the weather is cool and dry, and the daylight is still sufficient. You can also prepare your home for the winter, by improving its insulation, ventilation, and heating. You can also take advantage of the end-of-season sales and discounts on materials and appliances, as well as the lower demand and prices for contractors.

However, fall also has its limitations. Fall is a short season, and you might have to hurry to finish your project before the winter arrives. You might also have to deal with the falling leaves, which can create a mess and a hazard for your project. Additionally, fall can be a busy and stressful time for you and your family, as you might have to juggle your project with school, work, and holidays.


As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to when is the best time of the year to start a home remodeling project. The best time depends on the type of project, the weather conditions, the contractor availability and prices, and your personal preferences and circumstances. The key is to plan ahead, do your research, and consult with a professional contractor who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your home improvement goals.

At American Construction Services, Corp., we are here to help you with any home remodeling project, no matter the season. We are a general contractor and remodeler serving Southwest Washington. We offer quality workmanship, customer satisfaction, and competitive pricing. We can handle any project, from kitchen and bathroom remodels, to additions and conversions, to decks and fences, and more. Contact us today for a free estimate and consultation, and let us transform your vision into reality.

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